Tag Archives: salame al cioccolato

Chocolate Salami…recicling Easter eggs

Recipe 84: I was thinking what i was going to do with the Easter chocolate egg we still have at home and then the idea… of course the chocolate salami or Salame al cioccolato. This was a must when i was little. I used to love it so much and this was the better excuse to cook it again.

Ingredients: 200gr chocolate (better if dark but in this case i just used the one for the Easter egg), 100 gr sugar, 100gr butter, 2 eggs, some almond in pieces if you like them and 300gr biscuits.

This is a very quick recipe too because you don’t need to cook anything. Take your Easter chocolate egg or any chocolate and cut it in pieces and place them in a saucepan. Put another bigger saucepan on the fire with some boiling water and place the little saucepan in it. In this way the chocolate will melt without burn or being in direct contact with the fire.

While the chocolate is melting you can crumble the biscuits and put them in a recipient.

In another bowl put the butter, the sugar and the 2 eggs and mix it all until the butter get very soft. Then you can add the chocolate and mix again until all the ingredients are nicely blended.

At this point you can add the crumbled biscuits, the almond in pieces if you like them and i have also added some chocolate sprinkle to give more color. Unfortunately the chocolate egg was made with a very milky chocolate and the color is not as dark as was supposed to be.

Put all the mix on a big aluminum paper and close it giving the shape of a salami. Put in the fridge for at least half an hour and then serve it in slices.


PS. Mamy hai visto di cosa mi sono ricordata? il mitico salame di cioccolata… che a dire la verita’ sembra piu’ una mortadella visto il colore, ma che comunque mi ricorda un sacco quelli che facevamo quando ero piccola. Ho usato l’uovo di Pasqua che c’era avanzato, ma era di queste cioccolate molto al latte, percio’ spero solo non sia troppo dolce.