Tag Archives: cold pasta

Ferragosto Menu’: Pasta fredda – Cold pasta or pasta salad

Recipe 49: This is something I was waiting to cook since 2 months…more or less since we started to see some sun in London and we began to organize picnics in the parks. Finally I never did it and this Ferragosto was just the right occasion! So here is the simple but delicious recipe.

The ingredients for 3 people are: 300gr short pasta (I used fusilli), 1 can of tuna (or you can do without if you are vegetarian, and it’s going to be great anyway), 2 little bags of little mozzarelle or 2 mozzarelle to cut in pieces, some cherry tomatoes, some pitted black olives, oregan, fresh basil, salt, pepper and  olive oil.

Boil the pasta in some salty water until al dente or even a bit before. Just to give you an example on the english ( and I have to mention this because if it’s not an Italian brand you need to be even more careful ) pasta bag there was written 12 minute and I take the pasta off at 8 minutes because was al dente…not to hard or with flour taste, but not even melted.

Drain the pasta and pass it under cold running water to stop the cooking process. Then place it in a big container and add some olive oil. Mix until all the pasta is divided and start to add the ingredients: cut the mozzarella, the cherry tomatoes and the black olives in half.  Then add the tuna, the fresh basil the origan, salt and pepper.Mix it all with some more oil if needed and be ready to eat! We used plastic glasses instead of plates and it was great! It’s a good solution for lunches in the park. Enjoy!

PS: Mamy che buona!!! Che belle mangiate checi facevamo di pasta fredda ed insalate di riso a Lavinio eh??? Qui invece bisogna sempre aspettare il tempo propizio, ma diciamo che quest’anno c’e’ andata bene! E poi per Ferragosto non puo’ mancare! Con il tapperware faceva anche effetto pranzo in spiaggia… mancava solo il mare e la ghiacciaia 🙂